Child’s Heel Pain and Sever’s Disease - The Texas Foot Specialists
/Heel pain is a common complain among child athletes. This is often traced back to a foot condition also known as Sever’s disease. This is a foot condition that is caused by inflammation of tissues surrounding the heel growth plate. Pain in turn is caused by irritated nerves due to increased pressure in the area.
Sever’s disease is common among children because the heels have yet to fully develop. This happens when the heels are constantly exposed to repeated abuse from activities such as running or jumping. Because the heels are still relatively “soft,” it is unable to support the stress generated by sports and other related activities. Consult a podiatrist if your child experiences chronic heel pain. Dr. Gregory Mangum and Dr. Bruce Miller are Podiatrists who specialize in helping children suffering from Sever’s disease.
What is Sever’s Disease?
Sever’s disease is a heel-related foot condition common among child athletes. This results from early exposure to sports activities that demand high impact foot movements. Because the heels or heel growth plate in particular is relatively underdeveloped, it is unable to withstand the stress demanded by such activities.
It is still unclear how Sever’s disease develops but it is likely to be caused by the underdeveloped heels constant exposure to stress. It can further be aggravated by not wearing footwear without ample foot and heel support. Children who are overweight can also suffer from Sever’s disease. Because the heels are unable to support the additional weight, activities such as walking or standing could trigger the development of Sever’s disease.
Possible Causes of Heel Pain in Children
Heel pain is not only caused by Sever’s disease. This can also be caused by foot and joint injuries. Consult a podiatrist for accurate diagnosis. It ensures that you are getting the right treatment that addresses the cause of heel pain. Other causes of heel pain include activities that expose the heels to repeated trauma, bone fractures and tendo-Achilles bursitis.
What you should do
Children who experience heel pain should immediately rest their feet and stop any foot-related activity. Wear footwear that provide foot and heel support especially when performing sports activities. Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) and pain medications can help ease inflammation and pain.
Sever’s diseases usually goes away as the heels mature. Consult a podiatrist to learn more about Sever’s disease and possible treatment options.
The Texas Foot Specialists located in Sugar Land, Pasadena and Houston, we specialize in helping people with foot disorders. To schedule an appointment call Sugar Land (281) 242-4448, Pasadena (281) 991-0600 and Houston (713) 664-6677.