Jennifer Garner – Toe Deformity - The Texas Foot Specialists

Jennifer Garner, one of Hollywood’s popular celebrities has a physical foot deformity. One of her pictures shows that she has an overlapping toe in her right foot. The overlapping toe is a genetic condition wherein one of the five long bones of the foot is short. This condition is commonly known as brachymetatarsia.

What is brachymetatarsia?

Brachymetatarsia is referred is the presence of an overlapping toe and commonly involves the fourth metatarsal. It is also described as a floating toe. This genetic condition is a growth disturbance and not a defect present at birth. Brachymetatarsia can occur in one foot or both and may also affect people with Down syndrome.

What are the known causes of brachymetatarsia?

One of the most common causes of brachymetatarsia is genetic, but trauma is also a big part of it. Brachymetatarsia is a congenital condition that is most common in women than in men, which is attributed to the abnormal shortening of the metatarsal bone. To understand more about foot deformities, consult a podiatrist. Dr. Gregory Mangum and Dr. Bruce Miller are Podiatrists who specialize in helping people with foot disorders.

Can this be prevented?

Since brachymetatarsia is hereditary or traumatic, it means that you are born with it or it is caused by a trauma. Getting early treatment may prevent the development of its symptoms.

What are the signs and symptoms of brachymetatarsia?

The following are some of the common reasons why people tend to seek treatment for brachymetatarsia:

  • Difficulty in fitting shoes
  • Walking activities interference
  • Ball of the foot pain
  • Feeling of embarassment
  • Unsightly appearance
  • Worsening problem

Is there a non-surgical treatment for brachymetatarsia?

In some cases, surgical grafting of the bone is an option. But there are also non-surgical treatment available. This treatment of brachymetatarsia depends on the severity and the nature of the affected bone. The following non-surgical treatment aims to reduce the symptoms of brachymetatarsia:

  • Custom foot orthotics to support and align the foot. Orthotics also distributes the weight across the foot evenly.
  • Activity modification
  • Spot stretch shoes
  • To prevent pressure in shoes, use splint or pads
  • Make use of arch support
  • Have shoes with wide toe box
  • Wearing an appropriate and supportive shoes

Brachymetatarsia deformity is diagnosed using an x-ray and visual examination of the foot. A person suffering from brachymetatarsia can ask help from a doctor to find a treatment based on your unique situation.    

At The Texas Foot Specialists located in Sugar Land, Pasadena and Houston, we specialize in helping people with foot disorders.  To schedule an appointment call Sugar Land (281) 242-4448, Pasadena (281) 991-0600 and Houston (713) 664-6677.