5 Ways To Say “Thank You” to Your Feet


At Texas Foot Specialists, we know that soon many of our patients will be gathering around with families and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving. As we contemplate the many things we have to be grateful for, don’t forget to include your feet. Your feet bear the weight of your entire body. Each of these intricate structures contain 26 bones, 33 joints, 107 ligaments and 19 muscles which enable you to stand, walk, squat and climb. This Thanksgiving, why not show some appreciation for your feet. Below are some suggestions.

  1. Get your feet professionally measured. Did you know that some studies estimate as many as 90% of the population are wearing shoes that are too small for their feet? Foot size can change as you age or after pregnancy too. 

  2. Massage in a rich moisturizer.Not only will this feel amazing, it will help prevent dry skin and cracked heels.

  3. Enjoy a professional pedicure. Just be sure to check first that the salon adheres to proper sanitizing procedures for its foot baths and tools.

  4. Purge your shoe rack. Eventually, shoes wear out. Even comfy old favorites will get stretched out, which can lead to ankle twisting injuries and falls. In addition to shoes past their prime, consider getting rid of very high heels that force your toes forward and increase the risk for bunionshammertoes and other toe deformities.

  5. Treat yourself to good socks. Look for a high-quality pair that is soft and cushiony for extra shock absorption. Moisture-wicking varieties are helpful in keeping feet dry and protecting against fungal infections.

  6. Don’t ignore foot pain. Putting off seeking treatment can lead to serious disability and the need for prolonged and/or invasive treatments. Make an appointment at our Pasadena (281) 991-0600, Sugar Land (281) 242-4448 or Houston (713) 664-6677 office so that our podiatrists, Dr. Gregory Mangum and Dr. Bruce Miller, can examine your feet and find the source of your discomfort.