Lower Your Risk for PAD

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Peripheral arterial disease—PAD—can have devastating effects on your feet and the rest of your body. At Texas Foot Specialists, we want to help educate patients about this potentially dangerous condition and the lifestyle changes you can make now to help prevent it down the road.

The Back Story

PAD is a disease that is caused by fatty deposits (called plaque) building up in the arteries of your legs. When this happens, the result is poor circulation which means it can be extremely difficult for wounds and ulcers to heal. This can lead to amputation. In fact, PAD and diabetes are the two major reasons for foot and leg amputations in the U.S. In addition, patients who have PAD are more likely to have a heart attack or stroke.

Stop PAD Before It Starts

Fortunately, many of the risk factors for PAD are things that are within our ability to control and manage. Below are some changes you can make now to help prevent this dangerous condition.

Eat Less Sugar—two conditions that are associated with PAD are diabetes and obesity. Limiting the amount of sugar you consume and eating a nutritious diet can help fight both of these.

Get Moving—being physically inactive is another factor seen in many patients with PAD. Regular exercise helps maintain good circulation. It can also help you burn calories and keep a healthy weight or even lose excess pounds.

Stop Smoking—smoking is known to impede circulation.

Control Stress—having high blood pressure increases your chances for developing PAD. Finding outlets to relieve stress along with proper diet and exercise can help you manage blood pressure issues.

Seek Treatment for Podiatric Symptoms Promptly—pain in the legs, thighs and buttocks along with a feeling of fatigue or tiredness in these parts of your body are symptoms that may point to PAD. Don’t put off making an appointment at our Sugar Land (281-242-4448), Pasadena (281-991-0600) or Houston (713-664-6677) office. Our podiatrists Dr. Bruce Miller or Dr. Gregory Mangum will do a complete examination of your lower extremities and perform any necessary tests to determine the source of your symptoms.