Preventing 4 Common Hiking Injuries


At Texas Foot Specialists, we encourage our patients to lead an active lifestyle for the benefit of their feet and their overall health. An activity many enjoy is hiking. In our Sugar Land (281-242-4448), Pasadena (281-991-0600) and Houston (713-664-6677) offices, however, we often see patients with pain and/or injuries after hikes. The good news is that many of these are preventable. Below are 4 common injuries and what to do to minimize your risk:

1.       Ankle Sprains—uneven terrain and loose stones and tree roots that are naturally occurring on hiking trails can easily lead to an ankle-twisting incident. This is why good hiking shoes or boots are essential. High-top boots provide additional support and are a good idea if you have had a previous ankle sprain. The sturdy tread and tough material used to make hiking shoes can help give your feet and ankles the support and protection they need on the trail.

2.       Blisters—there’s nothing worse than having a blister form in mile one of a five-mile hike! These tiny bubbles can cause mighty big pain and prevent you from enjoying your hike. Pack self-adhesive moleskin in your backpack and apply as soon as you feel a spot becoming irritated. Look for socks that wick moisture away from your skin as sweat increases friction and the likelihood of a blister forming.

3.       Shin Splints—again, while not a major medical emergency, shin splints—pain on the sides of the front lower half of your legs—can definitely detract from your enjoyment of a hike. Good shoes can help lower your risk for shin splints, as can taking the time to warm up and stretch your calf muscles before starting your hike.

4.       Achilles tendonitis—going from couch potato to mountain climber is a recipe for Achilles tendon irritation. Be sure to investigate a trail before you decide to hike to determine the steepness and difficulty level of the trek. Don’t overdo it! Take the time to stretch tight calf muscles before starting out.

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, injuries occur. Be sure to contact us and make an appointment so that our podiatrists, Dr. Bruce Miller or Dr. Gregory Mangum can evaluate an injury as soon as possible for best outcomes.