Can Your Toes Reveal COVID 19?


At Texas Foot Specialists we want to make patients aware of new and developing information regarding a potential symptom of the coronavirus that may show up in your toes. Dubbed “COVID Toes” by podiatrists and dermatologists, the condition is characterized by purple/bluish-red lesions that typically appear on the tips or pads of the toes and sometimes on the tops of the toes or sides of the feet. These bumps may be raised and painful to the touch. Some patients also report a burning sensation surrounding the lesions.

Not All Rashes are COVID

Of course, there are other reasons for rashes to develop on your feet and toes, including reaction to medications, fungal infections, and other viral infections. Patients shouldn’t panic and assume they have COVID 19 if they get a rash on their toes.

Researchers are trying to determine if there is a pattern in patients who present with COVID toes. Getting data that is scientifically significant is difficult at this point, but preliminary observations seem to show this condition happening more frequently in younger patients that test positive for COVID 19 and those that are otherwise asymptomatic or have only very mild symptoms. In most cases, the lesions seem to last for a week to 10 days and then resolve on their own.

What’s the Cause?

Again, doctors and scientists are unsure at this point. There is a high level of inflammation associated with the coronavirus which may be associated with COVID toes. New research into the possibility that the disease causes blood clotting may also reveal the correlation between the skin condition and the virus.

Playing it Safe

If you notice unusual bumps, lesions or a rash on your toes and feet, contact our podiatrists, Dr. Bruce Miller and Dr. Gregory Mangum in our Sugar Land (281-242-4448), Pasadena (281-991-0600) or Houston (713-664-6677) offices for a phone or in-person consultation. We have put special precautions in place to protect our patients and staff. You can read about them here. We hope everyone continues to stay safe and healthy as we pass through this challenging time.