Myths about Shopping for Children’s Shoes

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It’s funny how much misinformation about shoe shopping for children has become commonly accepted. At Texas Foot Specialists, however, we know that following these false tactics can result in harm to your child’s feet and ankles. Below is some “folklore” about shoe shopping and why you shouldn’t follow it!

Myth: It’s best to shop first thing in the morning when children are fresh and not cranky.

Fact: You may just need to deal with cranky children because the ideal time to shop for shoes is later in the day. Why? After being on your feet all day they’re at their largest at the end of the day. Buy shoes early in the morning and your child may complain that they hurt their feet by the afternoon.

Myth: You should always buy shoes that are a size bigger than your child needs, so they’ll last longer.

Fact: While it would be nice to get ahead of fast-growing young feet, purchasing shoes that are too big can result in a trip and fall or ankle-twisting injury which could have long term medical ramifications for your child’s feet. It’s safer to buy the correct size and buy new as needed (yes, even though at some stages that may be every six months).

Myth: Caving to fads over function is okay because children’s feet grow so fast they won’t be in the shoes for that long.

Fact: There have been some “cool” shoes that have had serious consequences for young feet. Shoes made out of plastic or vinyl that encourage fungal infections or fancy flip flops that leave feet open to injury and heel pain are just a few examples. You’ll also be sending your child the wrong message: being cool is more important than taking good care of your feet and your health.

Myth: You can save time and money by shopping online for your child’s shoes.

Fact: The only way to ensure a proper fit is to have your child shop with you in person and try on both shoes to make sure they are comfortable and don’t rub or pinch anywhere.

If you have questions about shoe choices for your child, feel free to contact our Sugar Land (281-242-4448), Pasadena (281-991-0600) or Houston (713-664-6677) offices. Our podiatrists, Dr. Bruce Miller and Dr. Gregory Mangum can make recommendations about shoe styles that are best for your child.