Busting Foot Myths

Before the advent of modern medicine, humans invented numerous myths in their efforts to understand the workings of their bodies. Happily, we now know that most of these old tales are untrue, but many misperceptions remain. How many of these old ideas about feet and footwear do you still believe?

MYTH: Foot pain is a natural and inescapable part of getting older.

FACT:  While podiatric issues are common as we move through life, they are not inevitable. Poor footwear choices are more often to blame for modern-day foot problems than aging is, leading to corns, calluses, bunions, and more. Put those rigid, high heels in the closet and save them for special occasions. For everyday use, choose sensible footwear with a wide, low heel and a roomy toe box for comfort. Rubber soles will provide additional stability.

MYTH: Feet are among the most fragile body parts.

FACT: Your feet are strong and they are amazing. They are complex mechanical structures, each made up of 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments. In cooperation with your hips, knees, legs, and ankles, they support your body weight and enable you to stand erect, walk, run, jump and more.

MYTH: Going barefoot is best for my feet.

FACT: Even in warm weather, walking barefoot outside isn't a good idea. It leaves you vulnerable to wounds and falls that can result in foot and ankle injuries. In public places such as locker rooms, it's easy to pick up contagious infections including plantar warts and toenail fungus. If you want to kick off your shoes for a while, only do so at home. Make sure feet are dry to prevent slipping on rugs and floors. If you have heel pain due to plantar fasciitis, wear slippers inside. Going barefoot can exacerbate the problem.

MYTH:  Shoes cause bunions.

FACT: Bunions are caused by a flaw in the anatomical structure of your foot.  Wearing pointed, rigid shoes may contribute to formation of bunions or make them more painful, but bunions are not cause by shoes alone.

MYTH: Expensive athletic shoes are scientifically engineered for optimum performance. The more sneakers cost, the better they are for the feet.

FACT: Don't believe the hype.  Appearance and celebrity endorsements are what drive the athletic footwear market. Comfort and performance are factors, but they are not enough to justify sky-high prices.

Are you living with pain or another issue related to your feet, ankles, or lower legs?

Here at The Texas Foot Specialists, Dr. Bruce Miller and Dr. Gregory Mangum provide expert and specialized care to address all of your foot and ankle needs. From conservative to advanced surgical treatments, you can always count on us for quality and compassionate care. Contact us online to make an appointment at one of our conveniently located offices in Sugar Land, Pasadena or Houston.