Your Toenails Are at Risk of Fungal Infection
/When a fungus enters your body and begins to grow in a fingernail, a toenail, or the nail bed, a fungal infection occurs. For most patients, these infections are inconvenient and unsightly but harmless. For a few, especially those with chronic illnesses including diabetes, they can be more risky to overall health and wellbeing and can even leave lasting damage.
There are a wide range of yeasts, molds, and fungi that can enter your body through small cuts in the skin and infect your nails. Many infections are caused by t. mentagrophytes, which is the same type of fungus that causes athlete's foot. Some are caused by t. rubrum and other strains.
Unfortunately, it's all too easy to contract a nail infection. Fungi are highly contagious and grow best in warm, moist places. Protect yourself by investing in a pair of inexpensive sandals and wearing them in public places. Bring them with you to places where many people are barefoot, such as hotel rooms, showers, locker rooms, and pools. Don't share personal items such as razors, towels, and nail clippers, even with friends or family members. If you enjoy the occasional salon pedicure, bring your own tools with you to your appointment. If you find yourself dealing with a case of athlete's foot, treat it promptly and completely; the fungus can quickly and easily spread from your skin to your nails.
You should suspect a fungal infection if one of your nails turns yellow or white, becomes unusually thick, separates from the skin, crumbles or splits. Be especially alert if the symptoms spread to other nails or your skin. Just as fungi can transfer from the skin to the nails, the opposite is true as well.
It's essential to seek treatment as soon as possible if you suspect that you have contracted a fungal nail infection. If left untreated, the infection can cause permanent damage to your nail or nail bed. Your podiatrist is the most qualified medical professional for the job. He or she has gone through years of specialized education and training and will bring expertise to the care of your feet. With an examination, your foot doctor will determine if your issue is in fact a fungal infection and then will work with you to determine an effective course of treatment tailored to your particular needs.
Here at The Texas Foot Specialists, Dr. Bruce Miller and Dr. Gregory Mangum provide expert and specialized care to address all of your foot and ankle needs. From conservative to advanced surgical treatments, you can always count on us for quality and compassionate care. Contact us online to make an appointment at one of our conveniently located offices in Sugar Land, Pasadena or Houston.