Corns: What are Three Treatments? The Texas Foot Specialists

Many of us may not be familiar with the medical term heloma. But simply put, it is the medical term for a corn. Corns are thick areas found on the skin’s surface. If left untreated it can become painful and irritating.

What are corns?

Often confused with a callus, a corn is mostly surrounded by inflamed skin and usually smaller compared to calluses. It is circular or cone-shaped. It can be a raised bump which is painful to touch, and the thick area may become rough, dry or waxy. Corns develop in areas where there is pressure or friction. It can develop when the little toe rubs against the shoe.

Consult a podiatrist for chronic corn problems. Dr. Gregory Mangum and Dr. Bruce Miller are Podiatrists who specialize in helping people with foot disorders.

What are some of the treatments for corns?

  1. Primary treatment for corns is to remove dead skin that has already built-up on the affected area.
  2. Salicylic acid. Purchased over-the-counter, salicylic acid is the most common treatment being used to get rid of corns. It can come in different forms such as drops, creams, or medicated pads. The acid functions as a dissolving agent for keratin, which is the protein that forms corns. If you are a diabetic person though, you should consult your doctor first as salicylic acid is contraindicated for you to use. Using salicylic acid is very easy, you can simply apply the medication directly on your corn. The uppermost layer of the corn will become white after use. Once the change in color occurs, you can peel away the layer of the skin and make the corn smaller.
  3. Orthotic inserts. Orthotic inserts should be fitted by a podiatrist. These inserts will allow you to walk correctly as it helps adjust how your foot fits into your shoe. Inserts will help you reduce your chances of having corn formation and can even eradicate existing corns by decreasing friction caused by rubbing.
  4. Surgery. This is the very last resort in corn treatment and is rarely used. It focuses more on the underlying tissues that causes the formation of corns. If the surgery is performed, the bone is shaved and the abnormalities are corrected so that there will be a reduced friction while walking.


  • When talking about corn prevention, the primary goal is to reduce friction.
  • Wear shoes that fit well.
  • Do not rub your feet. You can buy some pads if you notice that there is some rubbing.
  • Wear cushioned insoles in your shoes as it always reduces friction.

The Texas Foot Specialists located in Sugar Land, Pasadena and Houston, we specialize in helping people with foot disorders. To schedule an appointment call Sugar Land (281) 242-4448, Pasadena (281) 991-0600 and Houston (713) 664-6677.

Katie Holmes has a not so perfect feet? The Texas Foot Specialists

Katie Holmes, one of the richest and most famous celebrities in Hollywood also has her own share of physical flaw. The popular actress is rumoured to have corns and calluses on her feet. But what are corn and calluses?

Corn and calluses are a painful thickening of the skin that usually occurs on the feet and is caused by friction or pressure. A callus is a more diffuse, flat area of the thick skin while the appearance of corn is a waxy, flaky, and translucent. Corns and calluses usually occur in feet and causes pain and discomfort when walking.

To understand more about corns and calluses, consult a podiatrist. Dr. Bruce Miller and Dr. Gregory Mangum are Podiatrists who specialize in helping people with foot disorders.

What are some of the causes of corn and calluses?

  • Repeated pressure on the feet like walking or running
  • Dry skin
  • Deformities in the foot
  • Incorrect walking motion
  • Reduced fatty padding
  • Wearing high-heeled shoes
  • Wearing of ill-fitting shoes
  • Wearing shoes or sandals with no socks

What are the possible sign and symptoms of corn and calluses?

The following are some of the signs and symptoms of corns and calluses:

  • Area of flaky, dry skin
  • Skin is bumpy
  • Pain or tenderness
  • Pain felt under the skin
  • Skin is thick and has a hard patch

How to treat corns and calluses?

With the help of some medicated products, treating corns and calluses is possible. Always check with your podiatrist first before treatment. Treating corns and calluses involves the removal of the thickened skin as well as getting rid of the pressure and friction.

  • Hard skin removal
  • Protective corn plasters
  • Use of silicone wedges that redistribute pressure evenly
  • Soft padding or foam insoles
  • Special rehydration cream intended for corns and calluses treatment
  • Salicylic acid patches
  • Wearing of comfortable flat shoes instead of high-heeled shoes
  • Do not wear high-heeled shoes again

If you happened to notice that your corn and calluses are swelling or you are in pain, see your doctor right away.

Can we prevent corns and calluses?

By reducing or eliminating activities that lead to increased pressure on the feet, it is possible to prevent the development of corns and calluses. By looking at your feet, you are helping yourself to prevent corns and calluses.

  • After washing, dry your feet thoroughly and apply a moisturizing foot cream
  • Wear only the right pair of shoes
  • Never hesitate to visit a podiatrist if you are already feeling pain
  • To remove hard skin, use pumice stone or foot file
  • Wear shoes that are perfectly and comfortably fitted to your foot

At The Texas Foot Specialists located in Sugar Land, Pasadena and Houston, we specialize in helping people with foot disorders.  To schedule an appointment call Sugar Land (281) 242-4448, Pasadena (281) 991-0600 and Houston (713) 664-6677.