Foot Gout, Management and Medication

Studies have shown that a tenth of the population is currently suffering from hyperuricemia, a leading cause of gout. And most cases of hyperuricemia are found in men. Foot gout causes pain which in some cases interfere with our normal daily activities. Consult a podiatrist when foot gout becomes a nagging problem Dr. Bruce Miller and Dr. Gregory Mangum are Podiatrists who specialize in foot gout and treating foot disorders.

Foot Gout Management

  • If an acute attack occurs- protect the affected joint. Elevate it and immobilize.
  • Consume less amount of food containing purine.
  • Have moderate alcohol intake
  • Include a small amount of legumes in the diet
  • Encourage a gradual weight reduction-  this will reduce the pressure on the inflamed joints, resulting to lesser pain
  • Avoid salicylates – this could affect elimination of uric acid.
  • Increase fluid intake- by increasing the amount of fluid in the body, the excretion of uric acid also increases thus preventing the formation of uric acid stones.

Foot Gout Medications

There are many different medications used for foot gout. Self-medication is highly discouraged. Consult a podiatrist for proper treatment and management of foot gout. Below are some of the medications that may be used.

  • Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs or NSAIDs (e.g. naproxen, indomethacin) to decrease joint pain and inflammation.
  • Colchicine prevents deposition of uric acid into the joints, decreasing the inflammation. This can be given during acute attack.
  • Allopurinol (e.g. Zyloprim) use as maintenance medication, decrease uric acid production. Clients with renal insufficiency or kidney problems should be inform that intake of this drug must be in a small amount only.
  • Glucocorticoids or corticotropin (ACTH) this may be injected directly to the inflamed joints.  Suitable for patients with abnormal creatinine clearance, though its immunosuppressive effect might be questionable since this may prone the inflamed joints to infection.
  • Febuxostat is a non-purine inhibitor of xanthine oxidase. It is hoped to avoid the serious but rare complications of allopurinol; whether that holds true will take years to establish.
  • Uricosuric drugs inhibits urate anion reabsorption in the proximal tubule and enhance uric acid elimination.
  • Probenecid – to increase the serum levels of antibiotics and it blocks with excretion of many drugs.
  •  Benzbromarone- can’t be used in Switzerland and the USA, this drug is the only one registered and permitted to be use in Austria. Side effects are gastrointestinal symptoms, especially diarrhea. This has some effect on the liver that resulted in taking it out of the market.
  •  Sulfinpyrazone- the third drug that was used in the past, but was later discontinued.

Self-medication is highly discouraged as this might result to dangerous complication. Consult a podiatrist for proper foot gout treatment.    The Texas Foot Specialists located in Sugar Land, Pasadena and Houston we specialize in helping people with foot gout.  To schedule an appointment call Sugar Land (281) 242-4448, Pasadena (281) 991-0600 and Houston (713) 664-6677.