Toenail Conditions and Prevention - The Texas Foot Specialists

Toenail care often take a backseat to fingernail care. This is because fingernails are more visible compared to its toe counterparts. Toenail care is disregarded since hiding imperfections can easily be done by wearing shoes.

Keeping out toenails healthy should never be taken lightly. Simple foot care can go a long way to keeping these looking great and healthy.  Visit a podiatrist to learn more about proper toenail care. Dr. Gregory Mangum and Dr. Bruce Miller are Podiatrists who specialize in helping people with foot conditions.

Here are several tips on how to keep your toenails healthy and in a perfect condition.

  • Eating healthy and Vitamin supplements
  • Keratin is a protein which helps in keeping your nails healthy. This is why you should take proteins to keep your nails healthy and brittle free. Good sources of protein are dairy products, beans, lean meat and eggs.
  • Calcium is also essential in maintaining your nail’s health. Calcium found in milk, cheese and yogurt can do the trick.
  • Vitamin A supplements and supplemental biotin will also help big time. Biotin helps increase your nail thickness and prevents it from cracking and breaking easily.

Wearing of correct shoes and socks.

Wear your shoes alternately and keep them dry. This helps prevent bacterial and fungal infection. When buying shoes, make sure that it fits correctly without touching or banging on your toenails. This can cramp your toes.

For socks, avoid wearing socks made of polyester or nylon. This prevents sweat from airing out and may cause bad odor to your feet. Instead, choose socks made from natural fibers such as wool. Proper ventilation keeps your toenails healthy.

Toenails and Health Disorders

Unhealthy nails are usually caused by external factors such as infection, improper trimming and pedicure. If you notice unusual signs on your nails this might be a result of an underlying medical condition that you need to check with your doctor.

  • Pale nail beds – anemia
  • Yellowish nails with a blush on the base – diabetes
  • White nails – liver problem
  • Sluggish growth, thickening and yellowing of nails – lung disorder

The Texas Foot Specialists located in Sugar Land, Pasadena and Houston, we specialize in helping people with Toenail disorders. To schedule an appointment call Sugar Land (281) 242-4448, Pasadena (281) 991-0600 and Houston (713) 664-6677.

Foot Gout, Management and Medication

Studies have shown that a tenth of the population is currently suffering from hyperuricemia, a leading cause of gout. And most cases of hyperuricemia are found in men. Foot gout causes pain which in some cases interfere with our normal daily activities. Consult a podiatrist when foot gout becomes a nagging problem Dr. Bruce Miller and Dr. Gregory Mangum are Podiatrists who specialize in foot gout and treating foot disorders.

Foot Gout Management

  • If an acute attack occurs- protect the affected joint. Elevate it and immobilize.
  • Consume less amount of food containing purine.
  • Have moderate alcohol intake
  • Include a small amount of legumes in the diet
  • Encourage a gradual weight reduction-  this will reduce the pressure on the inflamed joints, resulting to lesser pain
  • Avoid salicylates – this could affect elimination of uric acid.
  • Increase fluid intake- by increasing the amount of fluid in the body, the excretion of uric acid also increases thus preventing the formation of uric acid stones.

Foot Gout Medications

There are many different medications used for foot gout. Self-medication is highly discouraged. Consult a podiatrist for proper treatment and management of foot gout. Below are some of the medications that may be used.

  • Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs or NSAIDs (e.g. naproxen, indomethacin) to decrease joint pain and inflammation.
  • Colchicine prevents deposition of uric acid into the joints, decreasing the inflammation. This can be given during acute attack.
  • Allopurinol (e.g. Zyloprim) use as maintenance medication, decrease uric acid production. Clients with renal insufficiency or kidney problems should be inform that intake of this drug must be in a small amount only.
  • Glucocorticoids or corticotropin (ACTH) this may be injected directly to the inflamed joints.  Suitable for patients with abnormal creatinine clearance, though its immunosuppressive effect might be questionable since this may prone the inflamed joints to infection.
  • Febuxostat is a non-purine inhibitor of xanthine oxidase. It is hoped to avoid the serious but rare complications of allopurinol; whether that holds true will take years to establish.
  • Uricosuric drugs inhibits urate anion reabsorption in the proximal tubule and enhance uric acid elimination.
  • Probenecid – to increase the serum levels of antibiotics and it blocks with excretion of many drugs.
  •  Benzbromarone- can’t be used in Switzerland and the USA, this drug is the only one registered and permitted to be use in Austria. Side effects are gastrointestinal symptoms, especially diarrhea. This has some effect on the liver that resulted in taking it out of the market.
  •  Sulfinpyrazone- the third drug that was used in the past, but was later discontinued.

Self-medication is highly discouraged as this might result to dangerous complication. Consult a podiatrist for proper foot gout treatment.    The Texas Foot Specialists located in Sugar Land, Pasadena and Houston we specialize in helping people with foot gout.  To schedule an appointment call Sugar Land (281) 242-4448, Pasadena (281) 991-0600 and Houston (713) 664-6677.

New York Yankee Pitcher Bryan Mitchell Falls to Turf Toe Injury - The Texas Foot Specialists

New York Yankees pitcher Bryan Mitchell is rumored to have a grade 3 Turf toe. Mitchell is a professional baseball pitcher who suffered an injury in a game against Atlanta Braves. It is said that he was running to cover the first base. His injury will require him a surgery that will take him three months to fully recover.

Turf toe is the term used to describe the sprain of the ligaments around the big toe joint. This injury is caused when the big toe is jammed forcefully while running or jumping. Consult a podiatrist for any type of foot injury. Dr. Gregory Mangum and Dr. Bruce Miller are Podiatrists who specialize in helping people with chronic foot pain and other types of foot conditions.

 What are the signs and symptoms of Turf toe? 

  • There is limited toe movement
  • At a time of injury, a snapping or popping sound can be heard
  • Your mobility is reduced
  • Your toe is swelling
  • Your big toe is bruising
  • There is pain at the base of your big toe
  • Tenderness
  •  Pain and other symptoms are mild at first but it will gradually get worse. Not everyone will experience all these symptoms but everyone complains about pain. 

Tips on how to prevent turf toe

  • With the help of a proper footwear, turf toe and other toe injuries can be avoided and prevented. You can also try various stretching exercises that will strengthen your toes.
  • Instead of tennis shoes, it is much better if you will wear cleats
  • Wearing proper shoes that provide protection most especially on your toes
  • Toe walking - you must do this exercise slowly at first. It is simple as standing on your tiptoes and walk
  • Pencil pick-up - you have to use your toe to pick up the pencil on the floor while you are sitting

Tips on how to treat a turf toe

  • Rest - putting weights and pressures on your toes should be avoided when you are in the healing process
  • Ice - should be applied on the injured part every hour that will take 15 to 20 minutes to lessen the pain
  • Compression - it is important to tape your toes with the help of elastic bandages to prevent your toes from moving
  • Elevation - with the help of pillows and cushions, you have to raise your injured foot above your heart level
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs - over the counter medication like Ibuprofen can help to lessen the pain

It is said that turf toe can cause long-term problems even with proper medication and treatment. This can also lead to hyper flexion injuries. The pain will subside from two to three weeks with the help of proper treatment and medication. 

The Texas Foot Specialists located in Sugar Land, Pasadena and Houston we specialize in helping people suffering from chronic foot problems. To schedule an appointment call Sugar Land (281) 242-4448, Pasadena (281) 991-0600 and Houston (713) 664-6677.


Natural Treatments for Swollen Ankles - The Texas Foot Specialists

Swollen ankles can be caused by a variety of factors. Whether it is due to prolonged standing or a result of a disease such as kidney problems, ankles become swollen because of fluid buildup in the area. Visit a podiatrist to properly identify the cause of your swollen ankle. Dr. Gregory Mangum and Dr. Bruce Miller are podiatrists who specializes in helping people with foot disorders and injuries.  

Since most would want a natural way to help reduce the swelling of their ankles, I have here a list of the 5 natural ways that can help lessen your swollen ankles.

Immerse foot in tonic water

Tonic water contains quinine and its bubbles can help lessen inflammation. Aside from reducing the inflammation and swelling, soaking your feet in tonic water will help it to relax and soothes the swollen ankles.

Apply some grapefruit essential oil

  1. Fill a bucket with warm water and apply a few drops of grapefruit essential oil.
  2. Soak your feet for 15-20 minutes to soothe and relax it.
  3. Take your feet and pat dry using a soft towel.
  4. Mix few drops of grapefruit essential oil with carrier oil (preferably sweet almond or olive) and massage it to your feet up to the legs.
  5. Make sure that your massage stroke is pointing upward in a circular motion to help the fluid have a better circulation.

Immerse in a Salt Water

Using Epsom salts when taking a bath is a sure way to make it more relaxing. Just make sure that the amount of Epsom salt you are mixing with water is a healthy dose.

Use support hose

Support hose is a great weapon to help fight swollen ankles as they prevent swelling. These support hose is also called compression gear which can be a knee or thigh-high or full-on compression stockings. They are very hard to put on because they are really tight but rest assured that they make wonders to your swollen ankle.

Elevate your feet    

The reasons for a swollen ankle and feet are the facts that the fluid is being retained and collected in your lower extremities and that your body has trouble in its circulation. Defy gravity to reduce your edema. If you are about to go to sleep at night, use one or two pillows to elevate your foot and make sure that it is above your heart. If you are in your office, you may have something under your table so that you can elevate it.

The Texas Foot Specialists located in Sugar Land, Pasadena and Houston we specialize in helping people with foot problems. To schedule an appointment call Sugar Land (281) 242-4448, Pasadena (281) 991-0600 and Houston (713) 664-6677.


Diabetes and Charcot Foot - The Texas Foot Specialists

Charcot foot is a serious complication of peripheral neuropathy. This is a long term complication caused by the loss of sensation in the feet. People suffering from Charcot foot can experience a sudden bone softening in the foot. The bones gradually weakens and eventually fracture. Because peripheral neuropathy causes loss of sensation in the feet, fractures remain unnoticed until it causes deformity. 

Preventive Care
Prevention remains the best treatment. Because of its nature, signs and symptoms are difficult to detect until the condition has become severe. Proper foot care is essential especially for those with diabetes. Preventing the development of peripheral neuropathy is high on the list for stopping Charcot foot.

Maintenance of blood sugar levels is essential for diabetics. High blood sugar levels can destroy delicate foot nerves. Proper foot care for diabetics include regular visits to a doctor or podiatrist for specialized foot care. Dr. Bruce Miller and Dr. Gregory Mangum are Podiatrists is a podiatrist who specializes in helping diabetics suffering from Charcot foot.

Diabetics should avoid foot injuries such bumping the feet or placing too much stress on their feet. This is to avoid possible fractures which is hard to detect because of the loss of sensation in the feet.

Possible Causes of Charcot Foot

Repeated injury and trauma to the foot can cause fractures. This can also lead to dislocation which is hard to detect especially for those with severe peripheral neuropathy. If left untreated, fractures and dislocations can cause foot deformity. Other possible causes of Charcot foot includes leprosy, weak bones, alcoholism, syphilis and smoking.

Diagnosis of Charcot Foot

Early detection of Charcot foot can be difficult. The foot condition only becomes evident when it has progressed to a point where a foot deformity has formed or the patient loses their foot’s normal functioning. Symptoms of Charcot foot are tenderness, swelling and pain. This is due to the trauma caused by a fractured bone.

Conservative treatments are available especially if Charcot foot is detected in its early stages. Treatment options incudes splints, casts, walking braces and therapeutic shoes. Patients under treatment are advised to rest their feet and discouraged from any weight bearing activities.

The Texas Foot Specialists located in Sugar Land, Pasadena and Houston we specialize in helping people with Charcot foot.  To schedule an appointment call Sugar Land (281) 242-4448, Pasadena (281) 991-0600 and Houston (713) 664-6677.