Foot Care 101


At Texas Foot Specialists, we know that many common foot problems can be prevented with good basic care. If you want your feet to continue to get you where you need to go without pain and discomfort, follow these recommendations:

Daily Hygiene—wash your feet every day with soap and warm water. Dry feet completely, especially between the toes—that’s where athlete’s foot usually starts. Use an anti-fungal or talcum powder each morning before putting your socks on. Apply a rich moisturizer on heels and soles before bed.

Good Shoe Sense—one of the biggest steps you can take to protect the health of your feet is choosing the right shoes. Avoid tight and narrow toes boxes. These can encourage ingrown toenails and the development of deformities such as bunions and hammertoes. Look for a cushioned footbed to absorb shock. Built-in arch support is also essential for proper foot alignment and to avoid plantar fasciitis and heel pain. Also, make sure shoes fit properly. Get your feet professionally measured and always try on shoes and walk around for a while to make sure they are comfortable before buying.

Don’t Ignore Foot Pain—if you are experiencing foot or ankle discomfort, make an appointment at our  Sugar Land (281-242-4448), Pasadena (281-991-0600) or Houston (713-664-6677) office to get to the root of your podiatric problem. Our podiatrists Dr. Bruce Miller or Dr. Gregory Mangum will perform a comprehensive foot exam and also get your medical history. Nearly all foot problems are more easily and quickly treated when diagnosed in their early stages.

Make Healthy Lifestyle Choices—eating a nutritious diet can impact the health of your feet in a big way. Controlling blood sugar helps manage diabetes. A meal plan that is low in saturated fats and sugars helps you maintain a healthy weight and avoid problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, and peripheral arterial disease—all of which are associated with serious foot problems.

Talk to the podiatrist to learn other ways to be proactive about the health of your feet and ankles. Contact us today for an appointment.