Two Types Of Foot Stress Fractures - The Texas Foot Specialists

Types of foot stress fractures

There are two types of stress fractures, fatigue and insufficiency fractures. Fatigue fractures are the result of repeated stress on the foot that results to an injury beyond the bone’s natural healing ability. An insufficiency fracture on the other hand is caused by a weakened bone structure like those seen in people suffering from osteoporosis.

Stress fractures remain unnoticed until pain becomes unbearable. Therefore early diagnosis is essential to prevent the condition from progressing. A podiatrist is a foot specialist that is highly qualified to identify and treat foot stress fractures. Dr. Gregory Mangum and Dr. Bruce Miller are Podiatrists who specialize in helping people suffering from foot injuries.

Stress fractures commonly develop in the weight-bearing bones especially those located in the lower foot. This type of injury can be seen in track and field athletes or just about anyone who participates in activities that place too much stress on the foot.

What causes foot stress fractures?

Stress fractures can be the result of repetitive abuse of the foot during jumps or long distance running. It can also be the result of weakened bones due to an underlying disease.

Symptoms of a foot stress fracture

  1. Foot pain that often manifests itself during physical activities and decrease with rest
  2. Pain that intensifies over time
  3. Swelling and tenderness

Diagnosis of foot stress fractures

Pain is a signal that indicates injury or something abnormal. Foot pain during physical activities can be an indication of foot stress fractures. Consulting with a podiatrist gives you the best chance for early diagnosis and drastically improves prognosis.

Diagnosis starts with a thorough check of your medical history and previous activities. The podiatrist inspects your foot for swelling and tenderness.

A thorough diagnosis involves obtaining a detailed history of your condition and performing an examination of the injury and surrounding area. Stress fractures are not easily identified on X-ray until about 3 weeks after the onset of symptoms. More detailed tests such as MRIs, CT scan or bone scans are performed if a podiatrist suspect a stress fracture even after testing negative on X-ray.

Treatment for foot stress fractures

  • Rest – reducing pressure on the feet prevents further injury and buys time for it to heal properly
  • Ice – this reduces swelling and helps relieve pain
  • Pain medications – stick to acetaminophen based pain relievers. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain relievers may interfere with proper bone healing.

The Texas Foot Specialists located in Sugar Land, Pasadena and Houston, we specialize in helping people with foot disorders. To schedule an appointment call Sugar Land (281) 242-4448, Pasadena (281) 991-0600 and Houston (713) 664-6677.

New York Yankee Pitcher Bryan Mitchell Falls to Turf Toe Injury - The Texas Foot Specialists

New York Yankees pitcher Bryan Mitchell is rumored to have a grade 3 Turf toe. Mitchell is a professional baseball pitcher who suffered an injury in a game against Atlanta Braves. It is said that he was running to cover the first base. His injury will require him a surgery that will take him three months to fully recover.

Turf toe is the term used to describe the sprain of the ligaments around the big toe joint. This injury is caused when the big toe is jammed forcefully while running or jumping. Consult a podiatrist for any type of foot injury. Dr. Gregory Mangum and Dr. Bruce Miller are Podiatrists who specialize in helping people with chronic foot pain and other types of foot conditions.

 What are the signs and symptoms of Turf toe? 

  • There is limited toe movement
  • At a time of injury, a snapping or popping sound can be heard
  • Your mobility is reduced
  • Your toe is swelling
  • Your big toe is bruising
  • There is pain at the base of your big toe
  • Tenderness
  •  Pain and other symptoms are mild at first but it will gradually get worse. Not everyone will experience all these symptoms but everyone complains about pain. 

Tips on how to prevent turf toe

  • With the help of a proper footwear, turf toe and other toe injuries can be avoided and prevented. You can also try various stretching exercises that will strengthen your toes.
  • Instead of tennis shoes, it is much better if you will wear cleats
  • Wearing proper shoes that provide protection most especially on your toes
  • Toe walking - you must do this exercise slowly at first. It is simple as standing on your tiptoes and walk
  • Pencil pick-up - you have to use your toe to pick up the pencil on the floor while you are sitting

Tips on how to treat a turf toe

  • Rest - putting weights and pressures on your toes should be avoided when you are in the healing process
  • Ice - should be applied on the injured part every hour that will take 15 to 20 minutes to lessen the pain
  • Compression - it is important to tape your toes with the help of elastic bandages to prevent your toes from moving
  • Elevation - with the help of pillows and cushions, you have to raise your injured foot above your heart level
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs - over the counter medication like Ibuprofen can help to lessen the pain

It is said that turf toe can cause long-term problems even with proper medication and treatment. This can also lead to hyper flexion injuries. The pain will subside from two to three weeks with the help of proper treatment and medication. 

The Texas Foot Specialists located in Sugar Land, Pasadena and Houston we specialize in helping people suffering from chronic foot problems. To schedule an appointment call Sugar Land (281) 242-4448, Pasadena (281) 991-0600 and Houston (713) 664-6677.