Why Exercise Resolutions Fall Flat

Why Exercise Resolutions Fall Flat

Remember back on Jan. 1st you resolved to start exercising in 2019? If you’re one of those people whose fitness plans have already petered out, you’re not alone. At Texas Foot Specialists, we see many patients who start a new exercise program with the best of intentions, but a variety of factors may prevent them from getting very far. Below are some suggestions to help you stay on track.

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5 Reasons For “Pins and Needles” in Your Feet

5 Reasons For “Pins and Needles” in Your Feet

Have you noticed lately that your feet feel tingly, numb or like they have “pins and needles?” All of us have had this happen after sitting with our foot cramped in an awkward position, but at Texas Foot Specialists we want patients to know that unusual sensations in your feet that are ongoing could be the sign of a potentially serious problem.

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